It Isn’t Just Social Media Anymore.
Have you ever considered how your social profile can either make or mar you? Are you a lackadaisical individual who gives no hoot about his her social profile? Do you even know that your social profile can help drive job opportunities to you? Oh, this sounds strange to you? Interesting!
In the contemporary age which we have found ourselves, a whole lot of interesting — and I must admit — awesome innovations have been rocking the global ship, thanks to the relentless and continuous efforts of certain individuals — who had lived while some are still alive — to change the global narrative, sweeping the global status quo into the basket of history.
Without this change in the global order, what do you think the world will look like? Will you be able to send a message to your Facebook friend who lives thousands of miles away? Would there be engine-propelled vehicles, let alone the Uber Taxi you now have the privilege of booking from the comfort of your room? Will you be able to have that smart phone you carry about which doubles as your photographic machine — which helps record your sweet memories in the form of pictures as well as videos? I have a thousand questions to ask you which are irrefutable, but this need not continue.
It’s however disheartening to state that, in spite of all the ground-breaking achievements that Science and Technology have brought about, many global citizens still live in 1984. Yes — they live in the past because many of them are no different from those who lived then, but cannot understand the fast-paced system of now. Many of our parents cannot cope with this generation because of the speed at which things are happening as well as the way evolution has caught-up with society, revamping it to fit into the operational system of the contemporary age.
How can you then belong to this generation and know little or nothing about the trends? How can you be an active person in the social scene and not know that your social profile can help you secure job opportunities? Is that not unpardonable an offence? How different are you then from your parents who do not even belong to this generation? Is that not an Apple phone you are holding? Oh, it’s a Samsung.
This article seeks to teach you the basic things to do which will boost your social profile and possibly land you the much-coveted job you have been dreaming of.
The following tips are what you need to re-profile your social pages in order to get your desired job offers.
Now, don’t be lazy! If you want to land a job through your social profile, you’ve got to lace your research shoes. You have to carry out extensive research on social media, checking-up people who are either working where you’d like to work or going through companies’ websites in order to have a sneak-peak into their world and how best to arm your social profile to meet these companies’ expectations from prospective employees. Check their social media pages viz: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, and so on for insights.
There is a popular maxim that you are who you are connected to. Connecting yourself to people who are more experienced than you are in your chosen field won’t only make you learn a lot from their wealth of experience, but will also make them consider leasing information about new openings to you. Linkedin is especially known to be a platform where this is achievable. You can get to interact with anyone, no matter how big they are, on LinkedIn, as long as you are within the ambits of corporate normalcy.
That you haven’t landed a job doesn’t mean you should stop trying. Remember, nothing good comes easy — and it takes time. While you are busy building your social profile in order to land well-paying jobs, don’t hesitate to keep improving yourself — or whatever skills you have by either honing-in on your skills or adding more skills to your Resume through internship programmes, Volunteer programmes and pro bono services. You never can tell through which of these paths your dream job could come.
In Conclusion, if by now you still haven’t known that your social profile is a part of your Resume, and you think that Pdf file that contains your Data is the only passport that can land you a job — in this contemporary age — I must say you are really living in a fool’s paradise, and you just have to wake up to face the stark realities. Build your social profile today and enjoy the ride. Cheers.